古墓奇兵 Tomb Raider
- 製作廠商:Crystal Dynamics
- 發行廠商:Square Enix
- 代理廠商:台灣萬代南夢宮夥伴
- 官方網站:http://tombraider.com/
shit happens, their boat drawdown by storm..
this one is good !
that the hell is that ?
press Q to identified mission objects.
buring is the key action.
this looks like zombie movie..
the hell..
climb up
camping area can save/upgrade skill or weapons
first thing is to find the god damn strang bow
the documents/ relics /map just like 極地戰嚎3
fruit tree can healthy player.
deer meat can eat and refill healthy
the background of this island is also like FarCry 3... fill with world war 2 Japan army staff..
conclusion : this is a action play game.