
基本上 AIX都是跑64bit (下lsconf)可以看到,但要 oracle在32bit故要上patch 才可跑

    /tmp 200MB
    RAM 256MB
    Paging Space 1G
    Smit aio -> state to be configured at system restart => “available”
    Lslpp –l all | grep libm => bos.adt.libm 出現

> lsconf
System Model: IBM,9117-570
Machine Serial Number: 65EDE3E
Processor Type: PowerPC_POWER5
Processor Implementation Mode: POWER 5
Processor Version: PV_5
Number Of Processors: 4
Processor Clock Speed: 1502 MHz
CPU Type: 64-bit
Kernel Type: 64-bit
LPAR Info: 1 KELA1-65EDE3E
Memory Size: 19840 MB
Good Memory Size: 19840 MB
Platform Firmware level: SF240_403
Firmware Version: IBM,SF240_403
Console Login: enable
Auto Restart: true
Full Core: true


> lslpp -l all| grep libm
  bos.adt.libm      COMMITTED  Base Application Development

二、上oracle 32/64 patch.



2.ftp upload to AIX server

3.mkdir a directory  and tar xvf

 /oracle817/patch => ls -l
total 493240
-rw-r-----    1 root     system    252538880 Jul 16 15:04 8172_aix_32.tar
drwxr-xr-x    8 ora8v1   dba             256 Aug 01 2001  stage

由於這個patch disk裡面只有這些東西,所以要從原始oracle 8174光碟來執行它

/oracle817/patch/stage => ls -l
total 88
drwxr-xr-x    5 ora8v1   dba             256 Jul 31 2001  Actions
drwxr-xr-x    3 ora8v1   dba             256 Jul 31 2001  Dialogs
drwxr-xr-x    3 ora8v1   dba             256 Aug 01 2001  PatchSets
drwxr-xr-x   59 ora8v1   dba            4096 Jul 31 2001  Patches
drwxr-xr-x    8 ora8v1   dba             256 Jul 31 2001  Queries
drwxr-xr-x    2 ora8v1   dba             256 Aug 01 2001  locks
-rw-r--r--    1 ora8v1   dba           37228 Aug 01 2001  products.jar

4.mount /cdrom   (smit -> fs-> add cdrom ->cd0 ->/cdrom )

insert Oracle 817 installation Disk..

5. ./rootpre.sh

/cdrom => rootpre.sh

Installing kernel extension...

 Oracle Kernel Extension Loader for AIX
       Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Oracle Corporation

Kernel Extension Version: 3

nkext ver: 3
rootpre.sh[199]: crash:  not found.

 is not loaded : 1
No post-wait kernel is loaded on the machine.

          Copying new kernel extension.

 Oracle Kernel Extension Loader for AIX
       Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Oracle Corporation

Kernel Extension Version: 3
SYS_SINGLELOAD: Exec format error
kmid: 0 (0x0)
path: '/etc/pw-syscall'
libpath: ''

Configuring Asynchronous I/O...
Asynchronous I/O is already defined

6. su - oracle

export DISPLAY=



7.出現視窗後,把路徑選到/oracle817/patch/stage 那邊去




出現這個時 再開一個視窗進去 run以下語法


 /oracle817 => ls -l orai*
-rwx------    1 ora8v1   dba             662 Jul 16 16:38 orainstRoot.sh
 /oracle817 => ./orainstRoot.sh
Creating Oracle Inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc)
Changing groupname of /oracle817 to dba.


三、灌pro c
Oracle8i Client
Oracle Programme
Pro * C/C++





灌好一樣 跑一下root.sh 依指示路徑執行

root@test / => cd /oracle817
root@test /oracle817 => ls -l root.sh
-rwxr-xr-x    1 ora8v1   dba            5631 Jul 17 13:22 root.sh
root@test /oracle817 => ./root.sh
Running Oracle8 root.sh script...

The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
    ORACLE_HOME=  /oracle817
    ORACLE_SID=   orcl

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: /usr/local/bin

Creating /etc/oratab file...
Entry will be added to the /etc/oratab file by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created

Finished running generic part of root.sh script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

四、安裝oracle DB server 

1.就選 oracle Enterprise version ,然後再選typical (1.33 G)


都下一步 來到這畫面


這個過程有點久,看機器速度 致少40-50分鐘以上




不管它 繼續裝下去就對了


一樣run一下 安裝目錄下的root.sh

root@test /oracle817 => root.sh
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please delete any log and trace files previously
                created by the Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent
                Agent. These files may be found in the directories
                you use for storing other Net8 log and trace files.
                If such files exist, the OEM IA may not restart.

不太順,該死HA引發rhost沒設好 導致怪怪的



五 上patch.

1.p2896876  (oracle 32/64 bit patch)  這個要用root去執行

ls -l
total 184
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system         1377 Aug 22 2011  README.txt
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        15850 Aug 22 2011  loadext
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        12632 Aug 22 2011  pw-syscall
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        13285 Aug 22 2011  pw-syscall32
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        13821 Aug 22 2011  pw-syscall64
-rw-r--r--    1 root     system         2875 Jul 17 12:16 rootpre.out_12-07-17.12:16:19
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        18594 Aug 22 2011  rootpre.sh
ora8v1@test /oracle817/patch/2896876/p2896876 => exit
You have mail in /usr/spool/mail/root
root@test / => cd /oracle817/patch/2896876/p2896876
root@test /oracle817/patch/2896876/p2896876 => ./rootpre.sh
./rootpre.sh output will be logged in ./rootpre.out_12-07-17.14:20:09
Kernel extension /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel is loaded.
Unloading the existing extension: /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel....

 Oracle Kernel Extension Loader for AIX
       Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Oracle Corporation

 Unconfigured the kernel extension successfully
 Unloaded the kernel extension successfully
Saving the original files in /etc/ora_save_12-07-17.14:20:09....
Copying new kernel extension to /etc....
Loading the kernel extension from /etc

 Oracle Kernel Extension Loader for AIX
       Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Oracle Corporation

 Successfully loaded /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x41eb600
 Successfully configured /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel with kmid: 0x41eb600
The kernel extension was successfuly loaded.

Configuring Asynchronous I/O....
Asynchronous I/O is already defined

Configuring POSIX Asynchronous I/O....
Posix Asynchronous I/O is already defined

Checking if group services should be configured....
Nothing to configure.

2. 確認一下 oracle 是跑什麼版本

# file /oracle817/bin/oracle


oracle: executable (RISC System/6000) or object module not =


oracle: 64-bit AIX executable or object module not stripped

3.上p5496862 patch (for IBM DSXX系列的硬碟陣列專用)   這個用oracle去run

ls -l
total 200
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        26094 Aug 22 2011  patch_client.sh
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        26111 Aug 22 2011  patch_server.sh
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        42343 Aug 22 2011  skgfr.o
oracle@test /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862 => patch_server.sh

Patch Utility: Applying patch 5496862 for on AIX Based Systems (32-bit)

chmod: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862: Operation not permitted.

    This procedure assumes that:
        - Your current working directory
          is where you have restored this patch archive to.
        - You have read the README.* file.
        - You have at least 74 Mb available in the following filesystem.
        - You have at least 37 Mb available in following filesystem
        - You have shutdown all database instances under this ORACLE_HOME
          before running this script.
          Are you ready to continue? [N] => y

 Continuing with patch installation

touch: 0652-046 Cannot create /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8.
chmod: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
patch_server.sh[32]: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
patch_server.sh[34]: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.
ar -x /oracle817/lib/libgeneric8.a skgfr.o
mv skgfr.o .skgfr.o.pre5496862_8.
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
patch_server.sh[41]: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.
cp /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/skgfr.o ./skgfr.o
ar crl /oracle817/lib/libgeneric8.a skgfr.o
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
patch_server.sh[44]: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.
rm -f skgfr.o
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
patch_server.sh[46]: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.
*** Starting relinking of new executables
make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ioracle
ar: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
ar: 0707-113 The fopen system call failed on file libclntsh.a.
        /oracle817/bin/genagtsh /oracle817/lib/libagtsh.a 1.0
        if [ -d /oracle817/lib64 ] ; then  /oracle817/bin/genclntsh64;  fi
        if [ -d /oracle817/lib64 ] ; then  /bin/make -f /oracle817/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk ioracle64 ;  else  /bin/make -f /oracle817/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk /oracle817/rdbms/lib/oracle;  fi

 - Linking Oracle
        rm -f /oracle817/rdbms/lib/oracle
        ld  -L/oracle817/lib/ -L/oracle817/rdbms/lib/ -o /oracle817/rdbms/lib/oracle  /oracle817/rdbms/lib/opimai.o /oracle817/rdbms/lib/ssoraed.o /oracle817/rdbms/lib/ttcsoi.o /oracle817/rdbms/lib/kpuasvr.o /oracle817/lib/nautab.o /oracle817/lib/naeet.o /oracle817/lib/naect.o /oracle817/lib/naedhs.o /oracle817/rdbms/lib/config.o  -lserver8 -lskgxp8  -lclient8  -lvsn8 -lwtcserver8  -lcommon8 -lgeneric8 /oracle817/rdbms/lib/defopt.o -lknlopt -lslax8 -lpls8  -lplp8  -lserver8 -lclient8  -lvsn8 -lwtcserver8  -lcommon8 -lgeneric8 -lknlopt -lslax8  -lpls8  -lplp8 `cat /oracle817/rdbms/lib/nmliblist` -ldbicx8 -ldbicx8 /oracle817/rdbms/lib//jox.o -laurora -bE:/oracle817/rdbms/lib//oracle.exp  -lwwg8 -lobk  `sed -e 's/-ljava//g' /oracle817/lib/ldflags`     -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnzjs8 -lnro8 `sed -e 's/-ljava//g' /oracle817/lib/ldflags`     -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnzjs8 -lclient8  -lvsn8 -lwtcserver8  -lcommon8 -lgeneric8  -lwtcserver8 -lmm -lnls8  -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8  -lnls8  `sed -e 's/-ljava//g' /oracle817/lib/ldflags`     -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnzjs8 -lnro8 `sed -e 's/-ljava//g' /oracle817/lib/ldflags`     -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnzjs8 -lclient8  -lvsn8 -lwtcserver8  -lcommon8 -lgeneric8  -ltrace8 -lnls8  -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8  -lnls8   -lclient8  -lvsn8 -lwtcserver8  -lcommon8 -lgeneric8 -lnls8  -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8  -lnls8  -lserver8 `if /bin/ar tv /oracle817/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a | grep "kxmnsd.o" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo " " ; else echo "-lordsdo8"; fi`  -lordts8 -lctxc8 -lctx8 -lzx8 -lgx8 -lctx8 -lzx8 -lgx8 -lordvirt8 -lnls8  -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8  -lnls8   -lld -lm `cat /oracle817/lib/sysliblist`  -lm  -bI:/oracle817/lib/pw-syscall.exp -bI:/oracle817/lib//ksms.imp
        mv -f /oracle817/bin/oracle /oracle817/bin/oracleO
        mv /oracle817/rdbms/lib/oracle /oracle817/bin/oracle
        chmod 6751 /oracle817/bin/oracle
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
patch_server.sh[14]: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.
The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.
patch_server.sh[15]: /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. 0403-005 Cannot create the specified file.
%%% Done relinking new executables
Patch applied succesfully.
Patch can be deinstalled by using /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862/undo_pre5496862_8. script
oracle@test /oracle817/patch/5496862/p5496862 =>
這個裝好後會有個undo_pre5496862_8. 是萬一未來有問題 倒回去要用的,請留好。

    創作者 哈哈小熊 的頭像


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